Tuesday 30 April 2013

Snug to New Norfolk (more in and around Hobart)

April 28th
What a great nights sleep in our cabin.  Must have been sound-proof or we were super tired from dealing with all the rocking in the gale the night before, but we missed the storm peak at 1-2 am this morning and were not too sad about that. 
Had great plans for today but they didn't really eventuate.  Headed off with camper in tow to MONA (The Museum of Old and New Art) and had been told we would love it or hate it.  The photo below is of a filigree wrought iron Ready Mix type truck which was at the entrance.  We thought it was pretty cool.  No photos were allowed once inside.  On the whole Mike was not very impressed and I am just a bit mystified, because my idea of what art is, is definitely not the same as theirs.  Spent 4 hours there nevertheless.  Saw some clever work in amongst a lot of other stuff!! 

Cadbury is almost next door so I was looking forward to some Choccie, only to be highly disappointed as they are not open Saturday or Sunday.  Actually my whole romantic notion of Cadbury was dashed.  I had them featured in some amazing old building with lots of purple to discover it is more 1960s and ugly.  Never mind, our waistlines were better for it!  Thought we would go back to Cascade Brewery and not to be caught out twice, checked the website to make sure they would be open.  "All day Sunday" it said, but obviously it was some other Sunday, because they didn't mean this one.  GRRRRR!
Naughty Cockatoos at Cascade eating the apples out of the crates
Had hoped to go to the top of Mt Wellington, but had not really been planning to be towing the camper today so didn't manage that either.  At this point we decided enough was enough and headed out to New Norfolk to get a head start on our way up the west coast.

Contemplated another night in a cabin as the wind had not let up all day, but it finally died down at about 5 pm.  Very light persistent rain falling however, (not so good when your kitchen is outdoors) so decided to go out for dinner.  Drove 20 km back towards Hobart before we found somewhere doing a Sunday evening meal (The Brighton Hotel).  Will never complain about Mandurah restaurant opening hours again!!


  1. Isn't MONA confronting! Fantastic catching up with you in Western Tasmania and I look forward to following your blog!

  2. Was amazing to see you and great to catch up. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!!

  3. Maybe you should have gone to Museum of Tasmania to see some colonial art. We went there yesterday after Salamanca markets - it was absolutely freezing - snow on Mt Wellington all day!
