Tuesday 16 April 2013

Portarlington (Vic) to Bridport (Tas)

April 14th
From Portarlington we headed for Geelong to find a car wash as our rig was looking very grubby!  Washed both the Hilux and camper and then went and found ourselves another 'Anytime Fitness' for a work out and a shower.  Then off to Port Melbourne to board 'The Spirit of Tasmania'.

Arrived a little too early, so wasted some time wandering around the water front before loading.  From Deck 5 where the car was parked, to Deck 8 to find our recliners and then to Deck 7 to check out the restaurants, bars, coffee shop, tourist info, souvenir shop and more. 

The line up to get on!

Our cheap seats
Had a delicious dinner of all things Tasmanian; salmon, beef, cheese and beer!  Then it was time to sleep.  Mike slept OK but the more I thought about it the less I slept!

April 15th
We had a fairly smooth crossing, arriving in Devonport at 6.30 am to clear blue skies and  a crisp 6.6 degrees.  After collecting the rig and going through quarantine, we went and found ourselves a quirky café called Laneway for brekky and then left Devonport behind. 

The gangway to get off the boat
Taking the advice of a Tassie born and bred farmer, who we had talked at length to on the boat, we decided to head for the North Eastern corner of the state.  Destination Bridport, a great little seaside port in a very protected bay.  Found ourselves a great camp spot there where it felt like we had our own private beach.  I decided a 'Nana nap' was required as I may have been sleep deprived and grumpy??  Mike pottered around, playing with the 'drone' and trying to take some aerial photos.  Unfortunately drone met tree and repairs are now required!!

The beach in front of our camp


  1. Some flying practice in open spaces seems to be the obvious priority!!! :)

  2. At last a comment. Keep them rolling in! Thank you for the good advice, repairs first then bring on the open spaces!!!!
