Wednesday 10 April 2013

Mount Gambier to Port Fairy

April 9th
Weather back to the way we like it. Sunny, very little wind and somewhere between 25 and 30 degrees!  Left Mount Gambier and headed east to Portland.  Had a bit of a drive around Portland and went and found the Aluminium Smelter, because that is what you do when travelling with Mike!  Drove on to Port Fairy via another scenic spot called 'The Crags'. 
The Crags
Had been told by fellow travelers that Port Fairy was worth a few days stop over and they were right.  We walked the streets checking out great food, cafes and boutiques.  I had suggested trying some of the local produce and before I knew it we had bought local beer, port and buffalo cheese.  Dropped the camper at Garden Caravan Park claiming a large grassy area up against a fence (in case that wind blew up again) all to ourselves.  Then we walked 6 km down to the wharf past all the fishing boats, out to the mouth of the Moyne River and around Griffiths Island and back. 
Port Fairy Wharf

Drinks, buffalino (yes that is what the cheese is really called) and crackers for tea back at camp while watching the local lads footy training alongside us.  Mike very concerned that they should be called the Moyne River Football Club and not the Port Fairies!!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, maybe they call themselve the Port Faries to encourge a false sense of security in the oppostition.
