Thursday 25 April 2013

Port Arthur to Richmond

April 22nd
To pack up or not to pack up camp?  This was the question we needed an answer to as were not sure how far we were going to go today.  As it was, we packed up but probably should have stayed - oh well! 
Not yet having had enough of all things relating to convicts we drove towards Nubeena heading for the 'Coal Mines'.  A place where they were sent when it was considered they needed 'the worst' kind of punishment.  More great weather, so we followed the 5 km walk trail using the self guided tour map that we had collected from Port Arthur the day before.  Another interesting place to visit! 

Remaining ruins of  prison
Solitary Confinement (underground)!
Solitary Confinement Cell - up to 30 days in here on bread and water
As we worked our way back up the Tasman Peninsula, Federation Chocolates was next (yum) and the lady who owned the business told us we could not go past Eaglehawk Neck without a visit to Tasmans Arch, Devils Kitchen and the blow hole.  In so doing we must also go through Doo Town and visit the food van 'Doolishus'.  Always willing to oblige we did it all and were very glad we did!
Tasmans Arch
Devil's Kitchen

By this stage we had been on the move for more than 6 hours and had gone a whole 30 km from our morning start point.  It would have been great to have been able to return to our camp, but as we were towing our home behind us we pressed on after dark to Richmond.

Probably a good time to talk about day and night here.  Dark sets in from 5.30 pm at the moment and the temperature drops.  Amazing what a difference being a little further south makes.  The sun can go down anytime from 1.30 pm though, depending on the forest you are in or the hill you are behind.  Our days have been mostly fine, about 16 degrees with the odd 20 something thrown in, but the nights are getting very chilly.  While outside at night Mike has resorted to 3 layers, unheard of for him and I have my whole wardrobe on.  We spend a lot of time putting clothes on and taking them off during the day depending on where we are or what we are doing.

April 23rd
Spent the morning discovering the historic village of Richmond.  Great galleries, cafes and boutiques.  Richmond is also home to the oldest bridge in Australia, built by convicts of course and a miniature model village of Old Hobart Town.

Richmond Bridge built 1823

 Miniature Hobart Town
Then we headed out of town for Pooley's Wines, Wicked Cheese (where the cheeses were fantastic, but I also had the most amazing Tasmanian Ocean Trout) and then drove north up the Heritage Highway to Oatlands.  Amazing sandstone Georgian and colonial buildings everywhere.  Below you can see a photo of the mill that has been restored and is milling flour once again.  Note the ominous sky in the background.
Callington Mill built 1837
This is also where Mike can claim to have out done me by putting a bigger dent in the Hilux.  An encounter with a tree in the main street!!!! Oops, side by side with mine!

1 comment:

  1. Seiously, drive more carefully hey!!! Just 'Doo' it :) ha lol I'm so funny...
