Tuesday 9 April 2013

Adelaide to Mount Gambier

April 5th
Anticipating where we were heading today we got up and went for a power walk (this means my speed, not Mike's) and then did a resistance session with the gear we are carrying using the Park campers-kitchen floor and poles, much to the entertainment of the park staff. We had a great pebbled site, but were right next to the maintenance shed and were doing 'our thing' as they were arriving for work.  Packed up and headed for Murray Bridge, however, the steering wheel started to twitch as we neared Hahndorf and we took a detour to Otto's Bakery.  Were piggies at the Bakery and then walked the main street buying German beer and authentic Turkish delight. It was a lovely warm day and the avenue of trees was starting to change to autumn colours - glorious!

Leaving Adelaide

Otto,s Bakery, Hahndorf

Then onto Murray Bridge where we set up camp at the Avoca Dell Park overlooking the River Murray. In the late afternoon we met Dad, Colleen and Tiffany at 'Ukee' where Mike's Uncle Hans' houseboat is moored.  After drinks on the Houseboat we toasted Mike's Mum with her favourite drink, Baileys, Dad said a few words and Mike, Dad and Tiffany shared the pouring of Mum's ashes into the River Murray off the back of the boat.  It was an emotionally charged moment, but as the river held a very special place in Mum's heart, we are sure it is one that would have given her great happiness and peace.

The view from the back of the Houseboat

Tiffany and Dad
April 6th
Still concerned about yesterday's vanilla slice we decided to walk/jog this morning.  Between our camp and the river was a great park, picnic tables, boat ramp and an amazing wetland.  Was a great walk through the wetland, however did not factor in the duck poop.  By the time I arrived back I had poop from the knees down and was 2 cm taller.  Mike must choose his steps more carefully because his legs and shoes were not so bad.  The river was beautiful and flat, flat, flat!!!  As we were leaving, the 10 o'clock skiing crowd arrived to fill up the river bank and car park in front of us.
Headed towards Mount Gambier with a lunch stop in Tintinara.  The great little country towns along the way obviously have very proud communities, as they are all very neat and well loved!

Old Railway Station building now a craft shop
Stopped at The Naracoorte Caves National Park to visit the Wonambi Fossil Centre and do a self guided tour of the Wet Cave.  Also stopped in at Bool Lagoon as the photos in the brochure were impressive. Unfortunately the drought in this area meant the Lagoon was pretty much non-existent.

Wet Cave

A replica of Australia's largest ever Marsupial
Drove through the Coonawarra wine region and resisted the urge to stop at Wineries.  Never quite made it to Mount Gambier today, stayed overnight at Penola.

April 7th
Daylight saving finished so wound our clocks back overnight.  Yay!!  Not actually sure whether it rained or it was just a heavy dew this morning.  Walked into Penola town centre for a coffee while the canvas dried out a little and then came back, packed and set off for Mount Gambier.  Took a short walk to Blue lake and Leg o Mutton Lake lookouts on arrival before deciding to park the camper at Blue Lake Caravan Park for a two night stay. 

Panorama of Blue Lake
Drove to Periwinkles CafĂ© at Port MacDonnell for a lobster lunch (as we were supposedly in the Rock Lobster capital), then Cape Northumberland, the southern most point of South Australia. Looked at the remnants of one of the original lighthouses and a penguin colony. Mike was the only one to see a penguin as I walked away and missed it.  

Then onto Nelson via the Picaninnie Ponds.  Walked out over the ponds on the pontoon and walked the 2.4 km along the outlet to the sea which included a wetland boardwalk.  Fascinating place.  Looks like a vast wetland but is also a system of freshwater limestone caves world renown to cave divers for their depth and amazing visibility. Made more interesting to us because another of Mike's Uncles did the underwater survey to prepare them for opening to the public.

Picaninnie Ponds
Ponds water flowing into the sea

Section of the outlet walk

Drove across the S.A. Victoria border and around the Glenelg River mouth at Nelson before heading back to Mount Gambier.  Tested our 'Anytime Fitness' membership to see if it truly does work anywhere in Australia and did a workout before making dinner!

April 8th
Woke up to a chilly wind and overcast day.  Mike made his 'becoming famous', egg and bacon wraps although it was a struggle in the wind. 
Master chef

Did a little shopping in Mount Gambier and finally decided 'this princess was not going to toughen up' so bought an overlay for the mattress.  Did some laundry and went for a drive to Valley Lake and Centenary Tower which overlooks Mount Gambier.  Did the climb (walk) up to Centenary Tower and then took the very tight stairs to the top.  The view was worth it.  The guy running the show for the day was filling in for his parents and down on leave from Gove.  He and Mike had a great chat about world aluminium!! 
Valley Lake from the top of Centenary Tower

Looking towards Mt Schank and Carpenter Rocks from Centenary Tower
After grabbing some lunch down town we drove out to Carpenter Rocks.  On our return we checked out the Pub for dinner as the cold wind was still persisting.  After having amazing weather so far this temperature was probably a sign of things to come, so back at camp we tested out the KK space heater and were super cosy!

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