Sunday 7 April 2013

Mandurah to Adelaide

We read recently that the best thing about a holiday is the anticipation. We have spent a lot of time getting prepared and have had two test runs with the camper. It has all been fun, so now let's get on with it!

April 1st
We departed Mandurah via the 'Merchant', for a hug from Jenna and a takeaway coffee, in what are becoming well used travel mugs.  Picked up Mike's sister Tiffany and headed for the "Pie Shop" at Bakers Hill to meet Mike's Dad and his partner Colleen who were joining us in convoy to Adelaide. Our trip to Kalgoorlie was uneventful. Lots of cop cars being Easter Monday and Mike passed one breathalyser test.  We set ourselves up at the Prospector Caravan Park, with the rest of the family in a chalet next door. Were hoping to get a bit of a Kalgoorlie Hotel experience, but being Easter Monday they were all very quiet or closed!!  Seemed a little strange.
Our neighbours and their PT Cruiser

April 2nd
The bed!!  We are loving everything about our new Kimberley Kamper but the bed.  Up at 6.00 am and went for a jog to try to get the kinks out before having to climb into the car for 8 hours.  Our 8.00 am leave turned into something closer to 8.40, something we were to regret later (a little training required to get the family moving)!!  We headed south to Norseman and were on the lookout for Keith and Brian who were coming west in the race-car truck between Norseman and Balladonia.  Pulled over and had a roadside chat with them before heading to Balladonia to have lunch.  I ducked into the shop to buy a coffee only to come out and find Mike surrounded by a crowd putting him through the third degree about the camper.  Our Kimberley seemed to create quite a bit of interest in the west but we have discovered they are more prevalent over here and don't create such a scene.  Drove on to Mundrabilla, but did the last hour in the dark.  Nerve racking, with kangaroos hopping around us.  We should have left earlier!!  Arrived unscathed but really it was not worth the stress!!

April 3rd
Time zones playing havoc especially as South Australia still seemed to be on daylight saving, and it is April and why????  Very late lunch at Panong to eat all those things that are going to be taken off us at the quarantine stop at Ceduna.  This is the only time I ever seem to eat whole tomatoes.  They were vine ripened after all!!!!  Onto Streaky Bay, beautiful spot but very busy.  So busy I asked if it was school holidays.  Was told that it is the most popular time of year for all their regulars as great weather and great fishing.  The girl in the Chemist also confirmed that daylight saving was still alive and well, but she couldn't tell me when it would finish.  Were recommended to go to Moceans for dinner, but it was closed so went to the Pub.  The family thought they were made, getting the last beachfront cabin in the caravan park.  We were in the back blocks listening to our neighbours who did not shut up all night and every second word was 'ferkin'!!

April 4th
Have I complained about daylight saving in April yet??  Note the photos below.  Taken at 7.15 am while we were breaking camp in the dark and of the sun coming up over Streaky Bay.  Did not bother with breakfast.  Too hard as were trying not to be too noisy as some of our neighbours still seemed to be sleeping.  Stopped at Kimba and then onto Adelaide arriving about 4 pm.  Dropped the family at Mike's Uncle Ron and Aunty Rhoda's house and went to find ourselves a park.  Were only gone an hour or two, but by the time we got back the reunion had been in full swing and the over 70s had consumed a good quantity of Scotch.  Mike ended up cooking the BBQ as our hosts were no longer capable.
7.15 am pack up in the dark
Sunrise over Streaky Bay

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