Thursday 6 June 2013

More Mansfield (Bushrangers, Craig's Hut)

June 3rd
Went to the other side of Lake Eildon today to visit Alexandra and Eildon.  Stopped in Alexandra to walk the main street and had coffee at Café Alex, then wandered our way around the lake through the National Park checking out camping spots, boat ramps and the water.  From the number of car and trailer parking bays this place must become horrendously busy in the summer.  Eildon was also full of boats and has a big House boat building industry.

Lake Eildon
Eildon Dam
One of the many Marinas

Interesting predicament
Back to the resort and we walked the self guided tour they have set up discovering some interesting info.  Mansfield was the first timeshare resort in Victoria and would have been the first in Australia if it were not for some bureaucratic bungle.  Also that Lake Eildon is five times the volume of Sydney Harbour and has a shore length of 550 km.  Quite big!!

June 4th
Great weather, unsure where all that rain is that they were forecasting.  After breakfast at the 'Mansfield Regional Produce Store' we went in search of Bushrangers.  Stringy Bark Creek, (where the Kelly Gang and the police had their show down and three policeman were killed) was our first stop.  A great short walk and very interesting history lesson.  Important not to walk off the track here for fear of falling down a mine shaft or into a wombat hole.

The Kelly Tree
Then on to Powers Lookout where you get an amazing vista of the King Valley.  This lookout was the vantage point of  'gentleman' bushranger Harry Power, enabling him to view approaching troopers.  Ned Kelly was his 'apprentice' for a time.
Powers Lookout - King Valley panorama
Continued our drive into Whitfield and after lunch at the Whitty Café, drove through King Valley and walked to Paradise Falls.  Unfortunately the falls were more of a trickle as it has been so dry.  Didn't get back in time to get the keys to the gym today, so we did our own boot camp then went and relaxed in the spa.

June 5th
An alpine drive to Craig's Hut today.  Wasn't really looking forward to the drive though.  I am not sure whether it is motion sickness or altitude sickness but the driving on these narrow alpine roads does my head (or maybe it is my stomach) in.  Need not have worried, it was a great drive, up the Mount Stirling Road to Telephone Box Junction (popular destination for cross country skiers), then 21 km further on at 40 km/hr and the last 1.5 km absolutely 4WD only!  Then we were on top of the world!!  That's what if felt like anyway and although cloudy it was high cloud so we had amazing views.
The view from Craig's Hut
Craig's Hut was built for the movie "The Man from Snowy River" and was the home of the lead character Jim Craig.
Craig's Hut
Craig's Hut
Clear Hills Track
A late lunch at Merrijig and then we came upon this feature fence.  Let this be a warning to all foxes perhaps??  Back to Mansfield to visit the gym and spa again.
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June 6th
A quiet morning in town this morning.  Breakfast at the 'Witches Brew'  followed by hairdresser and car wash visits and some retail therapy.  Then drove a little further along our side of the lake to Gough's Bay, followed by a lazy afternoon at the resort.

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