Monday 10 June 2013

Mansfield to Echuca

June 7th
Raining steadily this morning as we left Mansfield, but fortunately it stopped just long enough for us to hitch the Hilux to the KK once more and we were off to Echuca.  Stopped at the Downunder Dunny at the Falcon Hotel on the way into Echuca.  I believe there is a geocache here for all those who love to hide and seek! As you can see the rain had cleared. 
The Downunder Dunny
Have always had romantic notions about Echuca which I think stem from being an adoring fan of John Waters and Sigrid Thornton in 'All The Rivers Run' when I was a little girl.  (Sad I know, but blame my parents.  I had no choice, the ABC or the ABC, and I was only allowed to watch it on Sunday night and that was what was on!!)  Anyway Echuca was as wonderful as I had imagined.  The historic port was fantastic with lots of great buildings, galleries, cafes and restaurants.  Made all the more special as the Steam Rally was on and a few of the steam rollers were actually rolling through and getting a bit of TLC on the way. 
Steam roller at Historic Port

Steam roller
Went to the Information Centre and sent a text to Karen for advice (thanks Karen!), but then could not go past the Beechworth Bakery.  During our travels we never made it to Beechworth (or its bakery) so Mike was a happy man when he discovered the bakery had an outlet in Echuca.  Then booked a paddleboat ride on the PS Pevensey ('All the Rivers Run') for the next day, before we went and set up camp out of town at a very new caravan park.   Back into town for dinner at the Shamrock Hotel (where Mike had a Irish Parma Pie) and a stroll up and down the streets checking out the galleries and historic buildings.  Met a very friendly guy in our wanderings, who along with Karen suggested we should go to 'Oscar W's' so we went for a coffee.  Great outlook over the river and the coffee was good too!
The Irish Parma Pie
June 8th
Very, very cold last night!  Into town for brekky at 'Black Pudding' and then down to wander the historic port again before boarding our Paddleboat.  Three 'old timers' took us up the river (the skipper, engineer and deckie).  We admired the skill of our skipper who manoeuvred the boat with forward and reverse on the paddles, the current and a bell to signal instructions to his Engineer.  Great ride sitting on the pretend wool bales, absorbing all the wonderful sounds and smells of the river!
PS Pevensey

Amongst the pretend wool bales

Emmylou going past
Then off to the National Holden Museum and even though I am not really into cars I found it all very fascinating and appreciated the great collection.  Town very busy as it is a long weekend in Victoria this weekend.
Holden Museum
The Beer Shed was our next stop.  A farm museum, collection of over 17 000 different beer cans, other memorabilia and a huge shed to put it all in!!
A small section of The Beer Shed
Then back into Echuca (and Moana) to look around some more, before returning to camp to take down some canvas so we would not have to deal with it being really wet in the morning from the heavy dew.  Also had a bit of a chat with our neighbours.  'Ceres' for dinner and then back to quickly get inside the camper with the heater on as it is colder tonight!!!


  1. Hahahaha here I am reading your blog infront of tele and on comes the ABC telling me you can now by the box set of 'All The Rivers Run' :) coincidence!!!
    Also, googled Cere's cos I thought it was going to be some cool Echuca specialty dish... no, just a resteraunt for fine dining!

    Love xxx

  2. Hmmmm yes, may have to watch it again I think! Ceres was great too. Originally they told us they were booked out as so busy for the long weekend, but then chased us down the street as they had a cancellation which was nice of them. XX
