Monday 3 June 2013

Kyneton to Mansfield (Mt Buller, Fry's Hut)

May 31st
Packed up and on the move again today.  Enjoyed our stay and accommodation in Kyneton.
Our Bushland Villa at Kyneton
Pool and spa area at Kyneton
Weather forecast for next few days is wet, wet, wet so made a last minute booking in Mansfield (one of only three available timeshare places in Victoria this week).  No idea what our destination was going to be like today which made it all the more interesting.

To Kyneton through Seymour, Yea and Bonnie Doon (for all 'The Castle' fans out there).  A lot of morning fog around even at 11 am.  In places there was still only about 50 m visibility.  Arrived too early for check in so dropped the camper at the Mansfield Country Club (about 10 km out of town) and went and walked the main street of town and bought a few groceries for dinner.  Light showers off and on all afternoon, but the warmest day we have had for a while, 18 degrees!

What great accommodation we have found at Mansfield!!  Once again we have our own cottage, but we are on the bank of Lake Eildon, a huge recreational lake popular for fishing, water skiing and many other water sports.  Sadly we have amazing flat water, but no ski boat or neoprene!  This is a panorama of the view from our kitchen window.  Beautiful hills (called The Paps) covered in cloud on the other side of the lake which is at 68% capacity at the moment.
Panorama - Lake Eildon at the front of our cottage
Each morning out the front

Our Mansfield bushland cottage
June 1st
Steady rain today so after a slow start we decided to head out to Jamieson Brewery.  Overshot the turnoff so drove up to the lookout before coming back to the Brewery.  Up in thick cloud so visibility from the lookout was nil.  Mike did the Brewery tour (with all the blokes) while I sat and read the local news.  Had a great beer tasting tray and lunch.

Jamieson Brewery
Back to the resort, headed for the gym and then had a very relaxing spa.

June 2nd
Beautiful day today.  Not sure what happened to all the rain that was forecast, but it is very dry and the Victorian farmers are not going to be happy.  Decided to drive up to Mt Buller Alpine Village.  It was covered in thick cloud and was a breezy and bone chilling 2 degrees.  Had a good look around and it was busy, as they are gearing up for the long weekend (next weekend) and the opening of the snow season.  No snow though and none likely this week!!
Mt Buller Alpine Village & ski runs panorama
On the way down we stopped at a really pretty picnic spot at Mirimbah.  Wandered around for quite a while just loving the rushing water in the river, the birds, the colours and of course the fungi!!
Mirimbah River
Mirimbah Picnic Ground
Then drove into the Howqua Hills Historic Area and walked the heritage trail which follows the Howqua River from Sheepyard Flats to Fry's Hut.  The hut was built in the 1930s and is a fantastic example of the workmanship of a master bushman.  Beautiful walk!
Fry's Hut
Fry's Hut

Howqua River
Sheepyard Flats
more Fungi
and even more Fungi
Back to the resort and headed for the gym and spa again!!

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