Sunday 14 July 2013

Kununurra to Kununurra (now that's confusing)

July 7th
Today we were a convoy of three (Giles, Vermeulen and Flynn) and were off to Wyndham.  On the way stopped at 'The Grotto' and walked to the bottom of the gorge.

The Grotto
Once in Wyndham we drove through town and up to the Five Rivers Lookout.  Great vista, but about all Wyndham has to offer other than the Big Croc of course. 

View from Five Rivers Lookout
The Big Croc

On the way back out we also stopped in at Parry Creek Farm for lunch.  Now this is a great oasis in the middle of nowhere. No swimming however, beware the crocs!  Then on to the Gibb River Road and to Emma Gorge for a 3.6 km return hike over rocky terrain, but had a beautiful swim in the deep cold pool at the end.

Swimming at Emma Gorge (water was a bit chilly)
 Broke the 30 degree barrier today.  Next destination El Questro with two river crossings along the way.  Very dusty!  Headlights on so we could be seen.

Giles' followed by Flynn's crossing the Penticost River
Jumped out to take a photo at the first crossing and realized we had a puncture.  Got ourselves to El Questro quickly to book in before it went down and did a tyre repair.

July 8th
First stop Zebedee thermal springs this morning.  Very busy little spot, but getting muddy and hassling with the crowds to get into 32 degree water (on what was already a fairly warm day) did not appeal.  After having a quick look we continued on to El Questro Gorge which involved a few more river crossings. 
The Flynn's at another river crossing
Very rocky walk to halfway pool and then more extreme from then on.  I bowed out of the challenge at this point while the others continued on.  Mike didn't get far before he came back, as he had changed his shoes to swim through the middle section and had not taken his walking shoes with him.  The rest of our party conquered the rocks and boulders though!  Mike and I swam at halfway pool while the others had a swim at the end of the trail.

El Questro Gorge
El Questro Gorge
On the way back to our camp we stopped in at Jackaroos waterhole.  Supposedly you can swim there, but it wasn't very enticing.  Getting very fussy about our water!! Sue, Keith and Greg went for a swim back at camp, then we headed up to Saddle Back Ridge lookout to watch the sun go down before rushing back to catch the end of happy hour at the bar.
Carving up some more wood
July 9th
Packed up and on our way further down the Gibb today, but not before walking through Amalia Gorge.  Flynn's had a flat tyre so did another tyre repair in the car park before starting to walk.  3.5 km one way and more rocks, boulders and rock scrambling!!  I stuck this one out, but fairly challenging.

Amalia Gorge
Keith's bombie at Amalia Gorge

The big splash
Sue and I had two swims, one at the end of the gorge and one to avoid a section of rock scrambling on the way back.  Fell on slimy rocks however, and await development of nasty bruise on  my butt!!  Stopped in, made lunch at Home Valley Station and sat in the shade to eat it before continuing on the Gibb.
View from Home Valley Station
Very dusty and rough!  Had travelled another 30 km when the Giles' Colorado had a blow out (their 4th tyre).  Understandably NOT HAPPY!!  Decided at this point that possibly we were not well prepared in the 'tyre department' so returned to Home Valley Station to take a deep breath and sleep on it!  Sleep was aided by the drowning of sorrows, consuming many beers at the bar!  Also discovered it was Lisa and Greg's 25th wedding anniversary so celebrated with champagne!!  After dinner we returned to the bar for coffee, music and dancing.

July 10th

Flynn's crossing the Penticost on the Gibb River Road
Back to Kununurra!  Giles' put three new and improved tyres on the Colorado to match one that was previously added.  Flynn's bought an extra spare and they headed back out to the Gibb River road again.  While the Colorado was getting new wheels, a crack was discovered in a seam of the fuel tank.  It just gets better and better doesn't it??  Sue's relatives (Bill and Andrea) found out we were back in town and kindly offered their place ('Riverfarm Mangoes') to us as a camp.  Amazing oasis of green grass, palms and mangoes on the bank of the Ord River with power, a toilet and shower all laid on in the shed.  Really, really nice and a great mood lifter! 

Camp at 'Riverfarm Mangoes'
Had a swim in their pool and a sundowner under the gazebo on the river bank before the boys went 'toad busting'.  This involves cane toads, a torch and a golf club!!  No need to say anymore.

Sundowner under the gazebo
View of the Ord from the gazebo

Unsuspecting Toad!!
July 11th
Had a great day today!  Slow and relaxed start.  Keith worked on the temporary repair of the fuel tank then we went to Ivanhoe Crossing, Mt Romance Sandalwood for coffee, cake and a little retail therapy and Hoochery Distillery for rum (rocket fuel) tasting. 

Ivanhoe Crossing
This is what I thought of the Rum!!
Then into town to restock pantries and drinks and back to do a little laundry before jumping on a party barge at the front of Bill and Andrea's property for four hours of sundowner, sausage sizzle and croc spotting on the river. Saw one rather large 'saltie' on the way upstream and one pair of red eyes on the way back.   Absolutely amazing evening.  Thank you Bill and Andrea!!

Getting onto the barge
The boys finished the evening with a little more 'toad busting'!!

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