Monday 29 July 2013

Carnarvon to home

July 25th
Moved further down the coast today.  Stopped in at Overlander Roadhouse and then Geraldton for a late lunch before driving on to Port Denison (Dongara).  Port Denison is a really pretty spot and after setting up the KK on the beach at one of the caravan parks, we drove around and had a look at the Irwin River (named after Major Frederick Irwin of course). 

Irwin River
Sunset at Port Denison
Last camp
After cooking and eating dinner we took our 'cuppas' with us and walked along the beach and down around the marina and the Live Lobster Facility.  A beautiful evening, not cold at all.

July 26th
Well all good things must come to an end and it started with the weather.  We knew a storm was forecast and were hoping it would arrive later rather than sooner, but no!  At 1 o'clock in the morning Mike gets up and tells me we need to pack up. (Really???  So I was sent outside to assess the situation and give a second opinion).  Decided the weather probably sounded worse than it really was since we were having to listen to a thundering ocean on our doorstep, but agreed it was better to be on the safe side and also keep the canvas dry.  So, pack up we did and slept in the car.  By the morning the storm was in full force, blowing a howling gale and the showers were getting heavier and heavier.  Our decision to pack up had been a good one!!

Climbed out of the Hilux in the morning and it was freezing!
After going to Dongara Bakery for breakfast we drove to Dandaragan to catch up with our friends Sue and Gordon, that we don't see often enough.  Spent a few hours talking and also eating Sue's yummy homemade wares before heading home through the blustery weather to pull into Halls Head at 5.30 pm. GOOD TO BE HOME!

Home again

A bit of a summary to wind up:

117 days
24 000 km
7 500 photos
1 blown tyre
1 repairable puncture
2 hairdressing disasters
1 argument and a couple of heated discussions
Still married (but we think we have passed the compatibility test)

Thank you for reading the blog.  It means a great deal to know we have had so many followers.  What started out originally as a way to let everyone know where we were and what we were doing, became a great way to keep a diary of our travels.  We look forward to our next adventure.

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