Tuesday 16 July 2013

Kununurra to Broome

Left Kununurra and off to the Bungle Bungles today.  Amused at the coffee van sitting all alone (in what seems to be the middle of nowhere) at the gate into the Bungles, but he obviously has a niche market!!  Dumped our fire wood behind a tree at the entry to the World Heritage region and started the trek in.  50 km, four creek crossings, one puddle, corrugations, twisting, turning, steep crests and dips which took us 1.5 hours. Interesting drive!  Set up the campers at Kurrajong campground and then drove to and did the walks through the Domes and into Cathedral Gorge at sunset.  Absolutely awesome! 

The Domes
The Cathedral at the end of Cathedral Gorge
Issues today?  Giles' still nursing the leaking fuel tank (corrugations not helping), cotter pin came out of our trailer brakes, but amazingly still sitting on the trailer draw bar when we arrived at the Bungles and a second bottle of beer spilled throughout the fridge, (lids keep dislodging with the corrugations).

Up, quick brekky and off to Echida Chasm by 6.30 am.  Wandered through the amazing rock formations, Chasm and up to Osmond Lookout.  Everyone should have the Bungles on their bucket list.

In the depths of Echida Chasm
Echidna Chasm
Back to camp, packed up and driving back to the highway by 9 am.  Reloaded the fire wood then to Fitzroy Crossing where we did the Geikie Gorge walk.  Hot and a deep sandy track.
Geikie Gorge
Decision time then as to whether we go back into the southern end of the Gibb or stick to the highway.  After consulting with one of the 'Outback Spirit' tour drivers we took his advice, "to get as far away from Fitzroy Crossing as we could" before we camped, and opted to stay on the bitumen (with the leaky fuel tank).  The Giles' lead car spotted a great bush camp (in the dark) about 200 km out of Derby.  Must have been near a creek as lots of insects.  All had a moonlight shower!!

The fast working termites had started encasing our shower mats over night and turning them into a termite mound. 

Morning shave
Morning shave
Team also suffering a little tyre paranoia.  Every time we stopped, we leapt out and checked the tyres!  Passed a horse (most likely hit by a truck) along the stretch of road into Derby which wasn't a pretty sight.  Visited the Prison Boab Tree and jetty in Derby before having a coffee, then drove on to Broome. 
Derby Jetty (up to 11.8 m tides here)
Countryside all so amazingly green.  Broome full of holiday makers.  Managed to jag two sites (in the storage area) at Broome Caravan Park, but set up both camper trailers on one.  All had a swim in the fantastic swimming pool at the park before going to Matso's Brewery for beers and dinner.

Sue and Keith had a morning swim, Johnno called around to check out the camper trailers and we went down to wander around Chinatown and meet two of Sue's nieces.  Had a look at the Pearl Luggers, a beer at the Roebuck Hotel and a visit to the historic Japanese cemetery.  Then out to have a look at Cable Beach and a coffee at Zanders cafe before going back to the park to run the generator, do some laundry and swim in the pool.  Finally we went down to Gantheaume Bay for a lovely sundowner on the beach with Johno, Carole's sister Michelle, their kids and friend Martin to watch the sunset.

Set up on the beach

Sunset at Gantheaume Bay
Trike Limo going past
Morning swim in the pool before going out to Willie Creek Pearl Farm and Gantheaume Point to see the cast of the dinosaur footprints and Anastasia's Pool.  Took a drive down Cable Beach, averting our eyes when we got to the nudie sunbathers, then back to Matso's to finish the important job of beer tasting that the boys started the other day and for lunch.

Lunch at Matso's Brewery
Dropped in to the Woolworths complex for some quick shopping before going back to the park for another dip in the pool and heading out for a BBQ tea at Johno's.

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