Wednesday 29 May 2013

Kyneton (Hanging Rock, Macedon Ranges, Sovereign Hill)

May 25th
Into Kyneton this morning to find some breakfast in historic Piper Street.  Then we wandered the main streets and went in search of the Information Centre in High Street.  After walking and walking and not finding it, we went back to fetch the car and drove.  High Street is a very long street!!  Armed with lots of information and brochures we headed back to the resort to read up on the area and had a lazy afternoon on the couch.

May 26th
No picnic at Hanging Rock for us, but we did have a coffee at the café.  Then walked to the summit, did the circuit walk around the base and the creek walk out around the racecourse which is alongside.  Many community events and race meets are held at Hanging Rock.
Hanging Rock
At the top of Hanging Rock
A view from the top of Hanging Rock
Rock  Formations at Hanging Rock
Then drove to Woodend and found a great place for lunch before continuing on to Trentham Falls and Lyonville Springs.  We were expecting water flowing out of the ground and evidently it did once, however you now need to use the hand pump to obtain spring water.  People were there filling their large plastic drums and others turned up with an arm full of water bottles.  Decided it must have great therapeutic properties!! We left them to it, as we had nothing to collect water in and drove down a myriad of  tracks through the Wombat State Forest and wandered our way back to Kyneton. 
Trentham Falls
Out with the gym gear once we got back and followed up with a swim in the pool and a spa.  Pool was great as it is heated to 25 degrees and is 20 metres long so you can do a decent lap.  Spa wonderful too!!

May 27th
Off to Mount Macedon today.  We had been told to check it for cloud cover before going.  Well there wasn't any cloud when we started out, was there??  Got to the top and walked to the Memorial Cross but couldn't see much of the view at all. 
Memorial Cross -Top of Mount Macedon
Then went and checked out Sanatorium Lake which originally was a lake built to supply water to the Tuberculosis Sanatorium.  Now it is a wetland in the State Park and a pretty picnic spot.
Sanatorium Lake
Decided some real exercise was needed so walked to the top of Camels Hump (the highest point in the Macedon Ranges).  The cloud had cleared, but it was very smoky and hazy so although the legs got a stretch, the view was a bit disappointing. 
Looking towards Hanging Rock from Camels Hump
Drove back down Mt Macedon Road past the 'summer homes of the Melbourne gentry'.  Oh my goodness!  Enormous homes on acres with amazing entrances, each surrounded by their own huge and immaculately tended garden.  Holgate Brewhouse at Woodend was our final stop for the day, where Mike had a few beers and I got to be the skipper.  Nice beers, especially the Mt Macedon Ale !

May 28th
Ballarat today!  To be honest we actually didn't see much of Ballarat as we immersed ourselves in Sovereign Hill, the amazing outdoor and interactive gold rush Museum.  After spending more than five hours there, we walked across to the Gold Museum and then back to Sovereign Hill for dinner and the sound and light show, "Blood on the Southern Cross".  Arrived at 11.00 am and left at 8.30 pm and loved every minute of it. 

Sovereign Hill - Main Street
In the Bakehouse
Had the place to ourselves at times.  Lots of school groups, but every now and then they would disappear to do 'the education bit' and we had individual attention from the guides and staff, all in period costume.  Did one of the underground mine tours and learnt all about troopers, red coats, their weapons, candles, Eureka Stockade and lots more.  The sights, sounds and smells, all very authentic!!
Cobb & Co
35 metres underground 
Red Hill Mine

Gold pour
Chinese camp

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