Friday 10 May 2013

At Shearwater (Launceston & Cradle Mountain)

May 8th
Off to Launceston this morning via Exeter and had to stop to take this photo. 

The Butchers shop window - Exeter
Parked the car in Launceston CBD and did some shopping.  The fact that we kept consulting our map was a dead give away, but a lovely elderly gentleman told us we must visit the one special feature the city had, a place called Cataract Gorge.  I had read that it was a 15 miute walk from the city centre and that there were two possible paths.  One for everyone and one for capable walkers.  We decided we were up to the challenge and chose the latter, the 'zig zag walk'.  Hooley Dooley!  We discovered the 15 minutes was the time taken to get to the START of the walk and that 25 minutes meant one way, not return as well.  Also that the track was made for mountain goats!  It reminded me of a walk I took in Canada once with Sue K where we were a little unprepared.  Here are both Mike and I, in our 'town clothes', me carrying my handbag and shopping, saying hello to everyone coming the other way in their serious hiking gear!!  Very pretty spot and well worth the effort!

Suspension bridge at Cataract Gorge
Cataract Gorge looking back towards Launceston
Back in town we decided we had earned lunch and sat at the marina on the Tamar River.  Also a great spot.  Launceston felt like a combination of Mandurah waterside and Perth CBD.  Then off to have a look at Boags Brewery and our timing was perfect.  A tour was about to start and Mike had a very smiley face!
Safety gear
The tasting bar at Boags
Great tour.  An hour of chemistry, stainless steel tanks and the most amazing bottling, labeling and packing production line.  880 bottles given 3 labels per minute.  Watching the bottles flow through was sort of mesmerizing really!  Anyway, the best was yet to come.  Beer tasting with cheese matching, what better way to end the day.
Sunset at 5.00 pm today.  As we drove back in the dark, heavy fog around Shearwater.

May 9th
Drove out to Cradle Mountain this morning.  Left in the fog, but it soon cleared into an amazingly sunny and warm day.  One of the good things about 'Tomtom' is it chooses the quickest route, not always the main road and this morning was one of those cases.  Back roads through lots of rich red earth and beautiful farms with many pickers out on the job.  Also drove through Wilmot where they have quirky letter boxes.  The odd dalek, lawn mower, antique motor bike, tractor or chain saw letter box to name a few.

Caught the shuttle bus into Cradle Mountain and did the Dove Lake circuit walk.  A different vista at every turn in the track.  It continues to amaze us how the vegetation changes so many times in a very short distance.
Looking across Dove Lake to Cradle Mountain

A little closer
Back to Cradle Mountain Lodge for lunch and then we did the Enchanted walk.  Enchanted describes it perfectly!  A beautiful bubbling mountain stream, amazing forest, fascinating vegetation and animals with no fear.  Met our first wombat in the wild.  He was not interested in us at all, he was far too busy eating!
Enchanted walk
Lawn mower

Cute little Devils
Was a little worried that we may leave Tassie without seeing a devil so went and checked them out at Devil@Cradle.  Don't these little guys look cute?  Don't be fooled!  They are solitary animals and screech and growl to intimidate each other.  A few moments before they were putting on a real performance.  Very grumpy!!

Headed back via Sheffield.  Was fairly late by this stage but thought we would have a quick look.  Great place.  So good we have decided to come back tomorrow.  Drove back to Shearwater in thick fog again!!

May 10th
Slow start this morning which was nice.  Our days have been fairly full!  Back to Sheffield, (known as the town of murals), as we wanted to do the self guided audio tour.  Really well set up and we spent 3 hours wandering the town following the map and listening to the commentary.  A great way to make sense of the fantastic murals and historic buildings.
Mural - Sheffield

Mural Sheffield
On the way back we had a serious look for that brewery at Railton.  'Seven Sheds'!  Another worthwhile stop with very interesting beers.  Much tasting and a few purchases made.  Not sure if any will make it home for us to share!


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